Monday 23 February 2015

Welcome to Room 14!

Hello Everyone,

My name is Miss Mills and I am extremely excited to be teaching Year 1 & 2 in Room 14, at Wattle Grove Primary School. Thank you to all the parents and students who have made me feel so welcome over the last few weeks. I look forward to an exciting year of exploration and learning. The last few weeks have been very busy. We have spent some time getting to know each other and identifying our academic goals for the term. Please feel free to browse through the photos of ‘Our Goals’ display which was really fun to make.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to introduce another very special member of Room 14. He’s name is WALT and he loves high fives, cuddles and fist pumps. WALT’s name stands for ‘We Are Learning To’ and he supports the students of Room 14 to revise what they have been learning at the end of lessons. Students who are able to answer questions about the concept they are learning are able to receive a high five, fist pump from WALT. WALT is very excited to learn about the ‘Wattle Grove Way’ and is having fun getting to know the students of Room 14. I look forward to posting more in the next few weeks but until then please take care.

Regards Miss Mills.