Monday 18 May 2015

Hello Everyone,
Well it is Week 4 already and isn't this term flying by us already! This term, our theme of Minibeasts is integrated with our Biological Sciences outcome, of Life and Living. We have already learnt a lot of really exciting facts about Minibeasts and can’t wait to learn more! Over the next few weeks, the students of Room 14 will be writing a report on a Minibeast of their own choosing. Your child might need some assistance with their homework on this task, which will entail researching information and typing up their information into their report. Should you have any queries about this, please see me, however this Friday, I shall be sending home an overview of what information is needed for the report.
Friday of Week 7 is Room 14’s assembly. Next week, each child will go home with lines to learn. Please practice these every night, so that they will feel confident to speak in front of an audience. Costumes are being made in art class and the children are going to look fantastic! I will let you know what colour clothes students need to wear closer to the time. I hope you can all make it.
Last assembly, we won the Music Class Award and I must say I was not that surprised! We certainly do have a musical and theatrical bunch within Room 14. A photo below shows the trophy and the recipients. They certainly do look pleased with themselves!
At the end of last term, Room 14 had to plan and design a playground. This was a fantastic T&E project and really gave me an insight into the creativity of the cohort. Please feel free to peruse the photos of their creations. If only we had the money to make them come true! I wouldn’t mind a donut maker in the playground!
Miss Mills

1 comment:

  1. It is good to read that the kids can type up their mini-beast report. I also look forward to seeing the assembly.
