Thursday 13 August 2015

Fun and Busy Times Ahead!

Hello Everyone,

We are now almost into week 5 of term 3. Time sure does flys when you are having fun! The next few weeks are extremely busy with the Student Fete, Science Week, Book Week and Sports Carnival all on this term.

School Fete

Week 6 is the Student Fete where each class has the opportunity to have its own stall. Our class has designed, and are in the process of making Pet Rocks. Each student has designed two Pet Rocks after researching them on the internet. Naveed was clever enough to come up with the business name of Rocknificant for Room 14 which we all voted as the best name. We also had to produce a business plan and use our math skills to create a budget, so it has been a valuble learning experience! Next we are creating posters to put up around the school. We are hoping to make some money to spend on the class. Ideas for what we can spend our money on ranges from more whiteboard markers to new literacy and numeracy games for the class. I am hoping to have one or two parent volunteers during the Student Fete. If this is something you will be interested in please let me know. It will only be in the afternoon and involve supervising giving change, or walking students around the fete.

Literacy Focus

This term in Room 14 we are really concentrating on our suistained writing. Students are really enjoying the 'Roll a Story' Game during literacy stations. Each student uses a chart and a dice to find which character, setting and problem they need to add into their story. We are beginning to see a lot of very imaginative stories being created and I am very proud of the level of engagement displayed too.

Miss Mills.

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