Wednesday 22 June 2016

Hello Everyone,

Well, we are now at the tail end of Term 2 and what a term it has been! Over the last few weeks, the students in Room 25 have participated in the W.A Day Design a Door competition and presented their science experiment to the class. Thank you to the parents who helped ensure the Science Superstars experiments were a success. It is encouraging to see the amount of enthusiasm and knowledge that was acquired over this period. Hopefully, we are helping to foster talented scientists of the future…looks like they are needed now more than ever!

Congratulations to Trent who will be representing Yr 2 on Thursday at the whole school assembly. Trent is presenting his science experiment on light pollution, which was fascinating. Trent’s use of technology and his confident speaking manner were huge assets to his presentation. We are all so proud of him. Another honourable mention should also go to Samara Bailye who was our runner up. Samara’s project was about the eye. We learnt how to find our blind spot and how our eye interprets pictures. Well done, Samara.

This term in Science, we have been learning about Earth and Space sciences. In particular we have been learning about the Water Cycle, Earth’s resources and the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources. The students designed and created posters on how to ‘Reuse, Recycle and Reduce’ which you can see on the classroom window.

W.A Day Design a Door Competition.
Each classroom was given the task to create a door display with the theme of Western Australia. As we were already learning about ‘The Dreaming’ in History, we chose The Kimberley which has some of the world’s oldest rock paintings. I was extremely proud of the class. Small group were given part of the door to complete and they did so efficiently and without any issues. Well done, Room 25.

Miss Mills

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