Saturday 20 February 2016

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Room 25’s blog. We are very excited to start off another great year in Grade Two. The first couple of weeks have been (and are) about setting standards, establishing routines and revising previous concepts and skills. I am very pleased with the students’ progress so far, as we have had some very challenging temperatures over the last week or so. 

This term in Science we are learning about Biological Sciences with the focus on how things grow. It so far has been very interesting and has sparked our imagination and initiated lots of thought-provoking conversations. We now have a ‘Wonder Wall’ on the side of the classroom where any science related questions are written onto a posted note and are put onto the wall. This ‘Inquiry’ based learning is used to guide our future lessons and helps us to see the significance of science in everyday life. Children really do have a lot of fascinating questions!

All homework folders will be going home by week 4. Reading books will be changed every Thursday and new spelling words will be going home every Friday afternoon, ready for the following Monday. Please ensure you read every night with your child and have them practise their spelling words nightly too. Other homework such as the times table booklets, the weekly review and study ladder are an optional practice available to all students. If you have any questions relating to homework please see me.

Big Write
 Every Wednesday is our ‘Big Write’ day.  As part of the preparation for this session students will be given ‘Talk Homework’. The idea of Big Writing is that if the children can’t say it, they can’t write it. To help your child get the most out of their talk homework task, Ros Wilson, the creator of Big Writing, suggests that we try to do the following:
·        Encourage as many family members as possible to be involved in Talk Homework, possibly around the meal table.
·        Switch off the T.V.!
·        Try to ensure this is dedicated talking and listening time.
·        When giving your opinion, use the ‘because’ word to explain why you think that.
·        Ask others around the table to give their opinions and to use the ‘because’ word.
·        Ask your child his / her opinion and ask them to use the ‘because’ word.
Should you have any questions regarding the above, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

Miss Mills

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